Legal Aspects of the Video-Game Industry

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Passionate about video gaming and the legal profession, childhood friends YounesSebbarh, Gilles Leyssen and Camille Degrave were able to pool a group of specialisedlawyers who were willing to contribute to this guide on the legal aspects of the brWith seven specific chapters, this book tries to provide a first answer to the most importantlegal questions that might arise in the lifecycle of a video-game company.These insights are intended to be applicable irrespective of your jurisdiction, illustratedby real-life situations and easy to read for individuals without a legal brThe promotors and authors of this book have the following backgroundsbrbYounes Sebbarhb is a corporate lawyer at Baker McKenzie and is specialised in securityofferings, listings and other capital market transactions including ongoing reportingobligations of listed companies, as well as public and private mergers and acquisitions.brbGilles Leyssenb is a corporate lawyer at EY Law and is specialised in restructurings andprivate mergers and acquisitions for both international and national clients, as well asfunding rounds for start- and scale-ups.brbCamille Degraveb is a corporate lawyer at Laurius and is specialised in restructuringsand private mergers and acquisitions for both international and national clients, as wellas funding rounds for start- and scale-ups.brbSarah De Wulfb is an IT-lawyer at Stibbe and is specialised in e-commerce, e-communicationslaw, data protection, digitization, new technologies as well as the intellectualproperty aspects of the aforementioned specialisations.brMichal De Vroeyb is an intellectual property lawyer at Baker McKenzie and is specialisedin all contentious and non-contentious aspects of intellectual property law, includingtrademarks, copyrights, designs, patents, trade secrets and related issues.brbMargo Allaertsb is an intellectual property lawyer at Baker McKenzie and is specialisedin the full spectrum of intellectual property rights trademarks, copyright, designs, patents,designs, customs seizures, digital media and commercial dispute resolution.brbMalik Babab is a dispute resolution lawyer at Stibbe and is specialised in domestic andcross-border litigation as well as in arbitration, with expertise in various areas of lawsuch as obligations and torts, contracts, distribution, banking, insolvency and security.Maxime Nuyts is a corporate finance lawyer at Ashurst and is specialised in Belgian andcross-border transactional finance, debt restructuring and debt capital markets.brbJolle Simonsb is a tax manager at EY and is specialised in customer tax transparencyfor financial institutions, as well as US withholding tax.brbArnaud Flamandb is a corporate lawyer at Baker McKenzie and is specialised in securityofferings, listings and other capital market transactions including ongoing reportingobligations of listed companies, as well as public and private mergers and acquisitions.brThis book is not intended to delve deeply into the details of every complex legal issuethat may possibly arise. Always seek professional legal advice if you encounter legalissues.brbrEnjoy brbr