Active Ageing and Labour Law

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This book deals with active ageing and labour law and is dedicated to professor Roger Blanpain at the occasion of his 80th anniversary. For the European Union, active ageing means growing old in good health and as a full member of society, feeling more fulfilled in our jobs, more independent in our daily lives and more involved as citizens. For labour law, it covers a wide variety of issues, such as age discrimination in recruitment and selection, seniority rules, pay and working conditions, or modern concepts such as work-life balance, involving working time regulations and adjustments made for older people in order to allow them to stay on the labour market. In this book, leading scholars share their insights on the role of labour law in an ageing society. The book has a focus on Europe, both the European Union as well as the Member States. However, in the tradition of Blanpains school of thought, a global mindset is used, including comparative work, a perspective from the United States, as well as an interdisciplinary understanding of labour law and active ageing.