In-clues. Clues to inclusive and cognitive education met DVD

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Over het boekThis booklet with DVD, brings together the most important works of the INCLUES Network aEuropean Network around the theme of inclusive and cognitive education.Inclusive education means that no child is excluded from a mainstream school on the ground ofbeing an exception or having special educational needs. In inclusive education, children learn andlive together. It is not limited to children with a label of disability but also extends to children,often with a poor socio-economic background, deprived of proper educational support, who tendto be at risk of educational failure. Many of these children have a poor development of learningskills and basic cognitive functions. Therefore the cognitive goal of the IN-CLUES Network is topromote ways to reinforce basic learning prerequisites while at the same time being well awarethat this in itself needs an affective climate fostering acceptance of difference, feelings of competenceand learning challenges. Also teachers have special educational needs the need to changetheir minds and to be able to deal with so large differences.Realizing inclusive cognitive education involves work on many levels families, schools, counsellors,teachers, teacher trainers, assessing psychologists, and policy and decision makers. Despitethe discourse on inclusion as a human right to belong, despite laws and fi nancial stimuli in somecountries, there was and still is a lot of hesitation, practical ignorance or many times resistanceagainst inclusive education. Teachers lack a proper preparation and sometimes do not know whatto do. Systems of in-service counselling and training are lacking. Assessment methods are obsolete.Proper content is lacking how to work with a concrete child, with particular difficulties and challenges,in a group with widely varying learning differences.Yet, in all European countries, whether well-established or in a beginning phase, there are examplesof good practice.This booklet contains recommendations on what the conditions are for a good implementation ofinclusive education; what are essential aspects of an inclusive teacher training and what are theconditions of a good programme which activates basic learning prerequisites of children.The accompanying DVD contains a wealth of materials videos and presentations of examples ofgood practice of inclusive and cognitive education from several countries, papers and presentations,about such widely varying subjects as behaviour management, mathematics education,parent counselling, dynamic assessment and cognitive activation, teacher training and implementationof inclusive education.Uit de inhoudMushrooms and roses European networking in inclusive and cognitive education - Introduction - Historical background -Some of the problems in the implementation of inclusive education - Differentiating teaching and learning for challenging children - What does the Inclues-network want to achieve - What kind of activities did the Inclues Network do - Examples of networking impact - Disseminating examples of good practice - Changing teachers minds - Parent support groups - Reflections on the process of networking - Networking Whats next -Comenius network action - References - IMPLEMENTATION OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION - Recommendations from a working group in the INCLUES project - Introduction - The ideological political perspective - The phenomenon of inclusion the reflective perspective - Good practices for integration and inclusion - Criteria for a qualitative implementation of inclusive education -Some didactical approaches to inclusive education - Conclusion -References - Inclusive teacher training based on competencies - Report of the working group Teachers competences in inclusive education - Teacher training principles for inclusive education - What are the competences required for teaching in an inclusive classroom -Suggestions concerning the duration, form and structure of the training -Refences - Shortlist of programmes, methods and approacaches that acactivate cognitive development -List of criteria