Bologna in European research-intensive universities. Implications for bachelor and master programs

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Over het boekThe Bologna-declaration changes fundamentally higher educationin Europe. It introduces a clear distinction between bachelor andmaster programs and invites research-intensive universities for afundamental refl ection on the relationship between research andeducational activities. Some of the prominent questions are how canstudents learning experiences within a research-intensive contextbe characterised, what effects can be expected from and what is theactual impact of learning in an environment that in general focuses onresearch rather than on education and student learning, and how canresearch be integrated in education in view of optimizing learning.Considering the literature on the one hand and building upon thein-depth refl ections of faculty-members in European researchintensiveuniversities, the authors Jan Elen and An Verburgh makea number of educational proposals, pertaining to goals, orientationand curriculum structure of bachelors and masters programs aswell as to the instructional activities and possible quality assuranceprocesses in research-intensive universities. The proposals areformulated in view of encouraging ongoing discussion and debate onthe nexus between education and research. They aim at increasing theattractiveness and effectiveness of educational activities by stressingthe need for a thorough, systematic and diversifi ed integration ofresearch in educational activities.Uit de inhoudTable of contentsOver de auteursJan Elen is professor at the Center of Instructional Psychology andTechnology of the KU Leuven, a partner of the League of EuropeanResearch-Intensive Universities LERU. He is the former director ofthe educational support offi ce of the KU Leuven. His research focuseson instructional design in higher education settings. He teachesintroductory courses on Learning and Instruction and more advancedcourses on educational technology and instructional design.An Verburgh is currently preparing her PhD. For several years shewas an active member of the educational support offi ce of the KULeuven. In that position she coached the implementation of thebachelor-master structure at the KU Leuven. Her Phd addresses therelationship between research and education at the curriculum level.In contrast to the prevailing literature, she will focus on the actualsituation rather than on the perceived or self-reported one.