Opportunities for early literacy development evidence for home and school support

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Over het boekA substantial amount of discussion during the past decades has beenconcerned with children from minority andor poorly educatedparents, lagging behind in the areas of language and literacy. Thepresent volume describes a large-scale investigation in which childrenfrom diverse socio economic backgrounds were monitored in theirprocess of learning to read in Dutch primary education. In a set offour constituent projects, we will describe the aspects of both homeand school environment that play a role in the development ofemergent literacy skills and initial reading behavior. The studies arefounded on a theoretical framework in which the contribution ofparent involvement and teacher expectations is reviewed, in relationto opportunities to become literate.Uit de inhoudEffects of teachers read alouds on childrens earlylanguage and literacy development Family andclassroom predictors of childrens early language andliteracy development Parent and teacher commitmentto emergent literacy Linguistic predictors of earlyliteracy development in fi rst and second languageOver de auteursJudith Stoep has specialized in second language and literacyacquisition, conducting research at the Radboud University ofNijmegen. Currently, she is a senior researcher in the project KLINcKids Learning to take INitiatives in communication at PonTeMViataal NijmegenSint-Michielsgestel, the Netherlands.