Leadership, Spirituality and the Common Good. East and West Approaches European SPES Cahier N4

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Over het boekThe authors believe that the European and Asian traditionsof spirituality provide rich resources for worldseeking to rediscover the Common Good. The particularfocus of this Cahier is on the need for responsible leaderswho understand and accept their responsibility tosteward the resources in their care for the good of theirorganisation and for the Common Good. Such leaderswill have developed the capacity to integrate the economic,the social and the environmental realms and inspiretrust in their organisational communities throughthe quality of their character and spirit.In Leadership, Spirituality and the Common Good Eastand West Approaches, we present the thinking of eightauthors who explored this topic at a gathering of academicsand business people at a conference held at theChina Europe International Business School CEIBS inShanghai in October 2008. The eight chapters have beendeveloped from this conference and are now broughttogether as a contribution to social and business educationto support a greater understanding of East-Westcultural perspectives on the rich notion of the CommonGood which, as our authors explain, is expressed in Easterncultures as lokasangraha, kyosei, da tong and jen.Uit de inhoudTable of contentsOver de auteursHenri-Claude de Bettignies is Distinguished Professorof Globally Responsible Leadership at the China EuropeInternational Business School CEIBS, Shanghai andthe Aviva Chair Emeritus Professor of Leadership andResponsibility at INSEAD. He is currently Director ofthe Euro-China Centre for Leadership and ResponsibilityECCLAR, in Shanghai.Mike Thompson is Visiting Professor of ResponsibleLeadership at China Europe International BusinessSchool CEIBS and is Global Chief Executive of Good-Brand, an international sustainable enterprise consultancy.He is also a member of the standing committee ofthe European SPES Forum.