Respect and economic democracy SPES-Cahiers, nr. 6

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Over het boekRespect and democracy are not mainstream concepts ineconomics and business. They belong originally to thefield of ethics and politics. What could be the added valueof that transfer of concepts from ethics and politics toeconomics and business To what extent do respect anddemocracy get a specific content when introduced in theeconomic sphereRespect and Economic Democracy is based on the hypothesisthat democracy will become a growing ingredientof good business and leadership. The contributionsof this sixth European SPES Cahier disclosing new practicesof democratic entrepreneurship confirm this hypothesis.The authors assume that economic democracyimplies a commitment rooted in respect and explore thespiritual, ethical and economic meaning of respect.Uit de inhoudTable of contentsOver de auteursLuk Bouckaert is emeritus professor of ethics at theCatholic University of Leuven Belgium. He is founderand president of the European SPES Forum. His latestresearch and publications fall within the scope of businessethics and spirituality.Pasquale Arena is associate professor of Business Economicsat the University of Catania Italy, Departmentof Business, Culture and Society. His main areas of researchfocus on Business Ethics and Social Responsibility.