The secrets of gaining the upper hand in high performance negotiations . Vol. 2. Training 39;High

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Over het boekAlthough negotiations are an ever-present part of our everyday lives, many of us know little why we sometimes get our way, while at other occasions we walk away feeling frustrated that we did not achieve the desired agreement or we ended up with the uneasy feeling that we may have left too much value on the table. Knowing how to gain the upper hand to get what you need from a negotiation is particularly important when the stakes are high. Especially in a situation where a negotiator feels the options and choices are limited but she needs to achieve something, a negotiation can cause a lot of stress; making the stakes even higher and the negotiation dynamics more difficult to manage. New communication technologies play an increasingly important role in our day to day negotiations. Often we even enter into a negotiation situation by e-mail, video conferencing, online meetings or online desktop sharing, without noticing that in fact it is a negotiation situation. It is important to be aware of these situations and to know what works and what does not work and how you can maximize the outcome in such negotiation situations. The collected articles, book chapters, and an exclusive interview with Chris Voss will capture the key concepts and most important learning points on how to gain the upper hand in high stake negotiations. This book deals in a concise way with proven approaches, tools and techniques like recognizing escalation mechanisms and techniques how to deescalate or deal with emotions. By reading this book you will gain access to crucial insights from professionals like FBI or US army negotiators who are experienced in negotiating under extreme pressure in situations where lives are literally on the line. To help you maximize your performance in your high stake negotiations this book also covers new developments like involving a deal facilitator and conducting e-negotiations. We furthermore included a role play of a negotiation in a conflict situation where the stakes are high and a lot of emotions are present on both sides of the table.This book is published as volume 2 in the Series of the Result ADR Negotiation Institute Amsterdam on the occasion of the training High performance negotiation by Chris Voss.Uit de inhoudTable of contentsOver de auteursManon A. Schonewille is President of the board of ACB Foundation, a conflict management research center and partner in Dispute Resolution and Deal Making training resource center TOOLKIT Company. Besides training professionals in the advanced use of mediation and negotiation techniques all over the world, Manon lectures business mediation at Utrecht University where she also conducts research for her PHD thesis on deal facilitation. She co-chairs the International Committee of the Dispute Resolution Section of the American Bar Association ABA and is member of the Independent Standards Commission of the International Mediation Institute IMI. She is a mediator with Result ACB in The Netherlands. Manon publishes regularly and is among others the author of Toolkit Gernerating Outcomes. Felix Merks graduated from Law School in Leiden and subsequently worked in international procurement, corporate sales and business development strategy for international companies. He obtained his Master degree in Dispute Resolution at the University of Amsterdam cum laude and was trained as a negotiation trainer at Harvard law school. Felix currently conducts research for his PHD thesis on pre-court procedures at Leuven University. In 2003 he founded Result ADR, which under his management grew to be the largest ADR organization in The Netherlands and recently merged with ACB. Felix is an experienced mediator and he frequently lectures on subjects relating to mediation and ADR. He currently resides in Amsterdam and Paris.