Police Investigative Interviewing. A new Training Approach Reeks Politiestudies, nr. 3

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Over het boekPolice forces worldwide employ a large number of police detectives who are responsible for criminal investigations. Their work depends on the investigative interviewing of suspects, victims and witnesses, including children and other vulnerable people. For years the principle of learning by doing was used and, instead of specialised training programmes, interviewers were merely trained by observing older and more experienced colleagues.Today however we believe that special attention to training and education is obligatory as investigative interviewing is a specialism rather than a general police skill that anyone can easily apply. Police interviewing is a very important and specialised technique that requires efficient training including a great deal of supervised practice in both educational and real-life settings.Based on an empirical study this book explains how two newly developed training methods, individual coaching and one-day group training, can be used to optimise daily police interview practices by coaching interviewers at work. Coaching police interviewers gives them the opportunity to acquire insight into their personal interview strengths and weaknesses. Consequently developing personal awareness will help to optimise the interview practices of individual police officers by instilling a process of self-reflection and giving the interviewers insight into how to use certain techniques.Working with interview coaches also has the advantage that police interviewers can not only reflect on their personal practice, but they also can seek advice and guidance when preparing for and conducting complex interviews. On this level coaching is more focused on the content of the case than on interpersonal capacities which will increase job satisfaction and can prevent tunnel vision when working on a criminal case.Our main findings are that 52 of individually coached interviewers further developed their personal interview competences significantly, and 17 of the interviewers who received only a one-day group coaching session with their peers, showed progress after seven months on four of the five main interview competences measured by the Police Interview Competency Inventory.Based on the principles of coaching, a new way of policing will be explained when describing the two newly developed training methods, a way that will change the practical organisation of criminal investigations for good and will enhance the quality of investigative interviews.This book is unique as no previous studies have ever empirically tested the learning effect of applying competency management and coaching as we know it from the world of trade and industry to a police interview training context.Uit de inhoudContentsMeer info over Reeks PolitiestudiesMeer info over Reeks Veiligheidsstudies