Convergence in European Consumer Sales Law Engels

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This book contains an empirical study of the converging effects of the harmonisation policies used by the European lawmaker in consumer sales law. It aims to fill a gap in existing literature, by looking at what European consumer sales law harmonisation has achieved and by developing a methodology to measure the convergence it has led to. The work encompasses both a substantive comparison as well as a numerical approach.brWhile in the former, five directives and their subsequent transposition in the national laws of Member States are analysed, the latter focuses on the creation of the Convergence Index as a measurement tool for the effects of the harmonisation process. The book will be useful to both academics as well as policy makers, as it aims to trigger further debate regarding benchmarking in European consumer law. Such debate will play a role in further academic research aimed at determining whether harmonisation does indeed strengthen the internal market.brCatalina Goanta has conducted her doctoral research at the Maastricht European Private Law Institute Maastricht University under the supervision of Jan Smits and Caroline Cauffman, funded by the HiiL-UM Chair on the Internationalisation of