Prosecuting and Punishing Multi-Offenders in the EU

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This book elaborates on the rules governing the prosecution and sentencing of multi-offenders.The term multi-offender is used for an offender that has committed a series of offences either in one single act or in different acts; hence the addition of multi in multi-offender. A crucial element thereto is that the whole series of offences which make the offender a multi-offender has been committed before being subject to a final conviction.A comparative EU-study was conducted, focussing on the rules governing multi-offenders within different EU Member States Belgium, The Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece. It reveals that this type of offenders challenge both the legislator and the prosecution and judges when the offences are prosecuted in one go, the challenges are linked to finding an appropriate way to assess the severity of the criminal behaviour; if however the offences are prosecuted in several simultaneous or consecutive proceedings, the challenges are linked to taking account of the simultaneous or past proceeding. These challenges only grow if proceedings take place in different EU Member States.The analysis presented in this book is essential reading for EU policy makers, national policy makers, academics and defence lawyers throughout the EU working with multi-offenders. Undoubtedly, it will be an asset to their work in both mere national as well as in cross-border cases.a hrefquot;httpsgompel-svacina.eunele-audenaertquot;strongNele Audenaert strongaholds a masters degree in law 2014, specialises in the European dimension of the general part of criminal law and is preparing a doctoral thesis on this subject matter. Her research is funded by the Special Research Council of Ghent University.stronga hrefquot;httpsgompel-svacina.euwendy-de-bondtquot;Wendy De Bondta strongis professor of criminal law, specialised in EU criminal law and the promoter of Nele Audenaerts doctoral thesis. Both are members of the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy a hrefquot;httpsircp.ugent.bequot;IRCPaaffiliated to the Department of Criminology, Criminal law and Social law at Ghent University.With strongcontributionsstrong of Nele Audenaert, Willem Geelhoed, Annika Suominen, Dan Helenius, Frank Zimmerman, Martyna Kusak, Vnia Costa Ramos, Diana Silva Pereira, Luzia Prata Cordeiro, Manuel Maroto Calatayud, Marta Muoz de Moralles, Federica Iovene, Athina blockquoteThis book contains a high level, and wide ranging comparative analysis of the subject matter. It is researched rigorously and may become a reference point in its specific field. It is of interest to criminal law, comparative law and European criminal law scholars.span stylequot;color ff6600;quot; ema hrefquot;;Valsamis Mitsilegasa, Professor of European Criminal Law and Global Security, Queen Mary University of LondonemspanThis type of country-chapter study has unfairly fallen out of fashion in European criminal law scholarship, perhaps because it is typically difficult to recruit authors and the curation and review of this type of research is also challenging. In this case the rewards match this effort, and I congratulate the contributors collectively for this important study.span stylequot;color ff6600;quot; ema hrefquot;httpswww.etis.eeCVSamuliMiettinenengquot;Samuli Miettinena, Associate Professor of Transnational Law, Tallinn UniversityemspanblockquoteISBN 9789463713153div idquot;ConnectiveDocSignExtentionInstalledquot; data-extension-versionquot;1.0.4quot;div