Natura 2000 et le juge Natura 2000 and the Judge

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Srsquo;inscrivant dans le cadre des activiteacute;s de lrsquo;Observatoire juridique Natura 2000, le thegrave;me du preacute;sent ouvrage porte sur les questions juridiques que soulegrave;ve lrsquo;application par le juge national ndash; constitutionnel, administratif et judiciaire ndash; des dispositions relatives agrave; Natura 2000, en vue drsquo;eacute;valuer la contribution du juge agrave; lrsquo;effectiviteacute; de ces derniegrave;res.Corps de regrave;gles complexe, technique, faisant appel agrave; des concepts scientifiques ardus agrave; interpreacute;ter pour un non-scientifique, le reacute;gime Natura 2000 nrsquo;est guegrave;re aiseacute; agrave; appliquer pour un juge non speacute;cialiseacute;. Le recours agrave; lrsquo;expertise est souvent indispensable pour deacute;terminer dans quelle mesure tel ou tel standard ndash; par exemple le caractegrave;re laquo; significatif raquo; drsquo;un impact ndash; a eacute;teacute; respecteacute; ou non. Pour cette raison, les solutions trouveacute;es par le juge aux diffeacute;rents problegrave;mes que pose lrsquo;application du reacute;gime Natura 2000 dans les diffeacute;rents Eacute;tats membres meacute;ritent lrsquo;attention et sera enrichissante tant pour le chercheur que pour le praticien.As part of the activities of the Legal Observatory Natura 2000, this book focuses on legal issues arising from the implementation by the national courts ndash; constitutional, administrative and judicial ones ndash; of the provisions relating to Natura 2000, in order to assess the contribution of the judge to the effectiveness of this regime.The enforcement of this legislation, which encompasses a complex body of technical rules, grounded on scientific concepts difficult to interpret for a non-scientist, is not easy to apply by a non-specialized judge. The use of expertise is essential to determine how a particular standard ndash; for example the laquo;significantraquo; character of an impact ndash; has been met or not. For this reason, the solutions found by the judge to the various problems arising from the application of the Natura 2000 provisions in the different Member States deserve attention and will be rewarding for both researchers and practitioners.Version numu00e9rique disponible sur Strada lex BelgiqueStrada lex EuropeVous u00eates abonnu00e9 Activez gratuitement la version numu00e9rique gru00e2ce au code pru00e9sent dans lu2019ouvrage.