Towards a European Ius Commune in Legal Education and Research

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This book is devoted to the growing internationalization of the legal disciplines from both a scholarly and an educational perspective. Its contributions were presented at a conference to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Maastricht Faculty of Law. There, not only the state of the main legal disciplines from the perspective of the emerging common law of Europe was discussed, but also a debate was held about the way to teach the law to future generations of br This book contains contributions of Daan Asser, Katharina Boele-Woelki, Sabine Gleszlig;, Stefan Grundmann, Ton Hartlief, Aalt Willem Heringa, Ewoud Hondius, Andreacute; Klip, Kalle Mauml;auml;ttauml;, Hector L. McQueen, Ulrich Magnus, Dieter Martiny, Peter-Christian Muuml;ller-Graff, Knut Wolfgang Nouml;rr, Remco van Rhee, Michael Rodi, Jan Smits, Stefan Ubachs, Luc Verhey, Ellen Vos, Pierre Widmer and Alain Wijffels.nbsp;br