Running an international association in Belgium

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Brussels and Belgium host a multitude of European and international associations. These organizations, often active in the field of interest representation vis--vis the European institutions, usually choose a Belgian legal entity to organize their activities. Ever since 1919, Belgian law foresees a legal entity that is specially designed for the international civil society with its offices located in Belgium the AISBL IVZW Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif Internationale Vereniging Zonder Winstoogmerk. In recent years, the legal provisions applicable to the AISBL IVZW have been modified. This publication gives an up-to-date overview of the legal regime that governs the AISBL IVZW. Important and specific topics like the constitution, the recognition by royal decree, the minimal content of the articles of association, the possibility of decision-making by postal vote or the required presence of the notary public at the General Assembly are dealt with. In addition, the interested reader will appreciate the different chapters on liability and governance as a guide to upgrade the internal functioning of an international association. To conclude, an overview of the accounting obligations applicable on the AISBL IVZW is included. This publication is an absolute must for members, directors andor managers of international associations that want to be in line with the Belgian legal obligations and bring their internal organization and decision-making procedures to the next level.