Exploring quality assurance for interprofessional education in health and social care

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Over het boekThis book wishes to contribute to the development ofInterprofessional Education IPE in health and social careprogrammes in higher education institutions where IPE is not yetdeployed, and in institutions where IPE is present but where it is notunderpinned by mechanisms of quality assurance QA. It has beenproduced within a project of EIPEN, the European InterprofessionalEducation Network, with financial support from the EuropeanErasmus Lifelong Learning programme. The author depicts relevantpolicy issues and QA mechanisms, but also existing initiatives, toolsand resources. He points out possible pitfalls and informs the readerabout directions to be taken for effective quality assurance in IPE.Uit de inhoudTable of contentsOver de auteursAndre Vyt is lecturer at Arteveldehogeschool University College, andteaches also in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at GhentUniversity Belgium. Since several years he coordinates a learningtrajectory on interprofessional collaboration in health care, with staffmembers from different institutions. The author also has built upexpertise in quality management in education and health care.