Cultures in dialogue. A translational perspective ATI-Academic Publications, n 4

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Over het boekTranslation is intercultural communication par excellence. As such, itassumes a considerable role in the encounters between different culturesand their respective languages. This important role of translation stemsfrom the fact that translating involves the carrying-over of specificsocio-cultural input to and recuperated by specific target reading cultures,which have at their disposal an established system of representationwith its own norms for text production and consumption of meaningsvis--vis self, other, objects, and events. This system ultimately evolvesinto a master discourse of translation through which identity, similarityand difference are identified, negotiated, accepted andor resisted.Translational encounters take place at both the intra and inter culturallevels. The chapters in this volume address these issues from differentcultural angles of vision Americas, Northern Ireland, Hong Kong, India,and the ArabMuslim World.Uit de inhoudTable of contentsOver de auteursSaid Faiq is professor Translation Intercultural Studies at theAmerican University of Sharjah VAE and Exeter University GB. He haspublished worldwide in the fields of translation studies and the dialoguebetween cultures.