Eulocs. The EU level offence classification system. A bench-mark for enhanced internal coherence of

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Over het boekEULOCS the EU level offence classification system brings togetherthe current EU substantive criminal law acquis, building essentiallyon offence definitions referred to in legal instruments included inthe EU JHA acquis. In doing so, EULOCS clarifies the scope betweenEU competence and national sovereignty with regard to definingcriminal behaviour.With this book, EULOCS is bench-marked as a reference index forserving various needs in the broader EU criminal policy area, havingthe potential to significantly enhance the internal coherence thereof.The proposed reference index, with offence definitions inherentto it, fundamentally addresses the problem created by the organicelaboration and adoption of legal instruments at EU level, makingreference to certain offence categories the scope or definitionwhereof is most often either not clarified or indicated, or left to thediscretion of the individual member states.Before elaborating on the creation of EULOCS, the methodology used,its main characteristics and potential further development in thecoming years, this book contains a brief overview of the incoherencein the EU JHA field and a reference to the EU study to implement theAction Plan to measure crime and criminal justice, conducted for theEuropean Commission in the course of 2008-2009, in the context ofwhich EULOCS has been created. Most importantly, the full EULOCSwith all its complementary variables and context fields has beeninserted.This book is essential reading for EU policy makers, judicial and lawenforcement authorities throughout the Union and from a broaderinternational context. It will be particularly appealing also to theresearch community and anyone involved in or taking an interest injustice and home affairs or criminal policy initiatives in the EuropeanUnion.Uit de inhoudTable of contents