Data protection in EU and US Criminal Cooperation

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Over het boekWinner of the 2014 Siracusa Prize for Young Penalists In this book three specific elements are joined in one research for the firsttime. The protection of personal data in criminal matters as a first elementis studied in two relationships the cooperation in criminal matters betweenjudicial and law enforcement authorities of the European Union memberstates including Europol and Eurojust on the one hand and the cooperationin criminal matters between the judicial and law enforcement authorities ofthe European Union including Europol and Eurojust and the United States ofAmerica on the other hand. This book offers answers to the central questionwhether the European Union complies with her own standards of dataprotection in these internal relations and in the transatlantic cooperation incriminal matters.The new framework decision on data protection in criminal matters thatentered into force early 2009 is a significant element in this researchalongside the agreement concluded between the European Union and theUnited States on mutual assistance in criminal matters of which the entryinto force is equally planned for 2009.The current circumstances are thus the perfect background for this researchthat also reflects on the policy proposals of the European Union on justiceand home affairs for the period of 2010-2014.Uit de inhoudTable of contentsOver de auteursEls De Busser is doctor at law, currently affiliated to the Department ofPenal Law and Criminology, Institute for International Research on CriminalPolicy IRCP, Ghent University Belgium. This publication is the result of herdoctoral thesis.