Private Security Companies and Private Military Companies. A comparative and Economical Analysis Re

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Over het boekWhat is the purpose of a State if not to at least protectits citizens It is a legitimate question, but does itnecessarily have to manifest itself as an unwillingnessof the State to accept non-public actors in the provisionof security This book constructs theoretical modelsof how States can cope with the increased interestin private security, provides a functional breakdownof police services as we understand the term now,and examines the entry barriers several Westernjurisdictions have imposed on the companies thatare willing to provide these different police functionson a private basis. Lastly, a new input is given to afairly unexplored market segment a combination of asecurity contract with an insurance contract.In a separate chapter, the book touches upon theconcept of private military companies. One specificsubset of these can be closely linked to the privatesecurity industry. When contracted by State agencies,challenges are encountered that also exist with otherpublic-private contracts, but in a more exasperatedway. The author proposes some methods, usingexisting instruments, to minimise costs, maximisebenefits, and increase accountability to the benefit ofboth the State and the company.Uit de inhoudTable of contentsOver de auteursDr. Joery Matthys has conducted his doctoralresearch at the University of Turin, Italy, CornellUniversity, USA and Ghent University, Belgium.He received a double doctoral degree from theUniversities of Turin and Ghent. He is currentlyconducting research on the liberalisation of publicservices at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium.