Microbiological guidelines

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pstrongI. Microbiological parameters to be used in testing of foods strongbr 1. Microbiological quality indicators spoilage organismsbr 2. Hygiene indicatorsbr 3. Food-borne pathogensppstrongII. Sampling strongbr 1. Sampling and testing what are the objectivesbr 2. Sampling for batch controlbr 3. Sampling as part of baseline studies, monitoring and surveillancebr 4. Risk-based sampling approaches for monitoring or surveillancebr 5. Sampling in the framework of validation and verification of quality management system QMS andor food safety management systems FSMSbr 6. Sampling of the productionprocessing environmentbr 7. Concluding remarks on sampling and testingppstrongIII. Challenge testing Durability studiesstrongbr 1. Some definitionsbr 2. Relevant EU legislation EU Regulation No. 20732005br 3. Approach to conduct studies on growth potential of L. monocytogenesbr 4. General considerations for setting up studies to determine the behaviour of L. monocytogenes in RTE foodsbr 5. Challenge test on other microorganisms than L. monocytogenesbr 6. General conclusionppstrongIV. Microbiological Guidelines support for interpretation of microbiological test results of foods strongbr 1. Some definitionsbr 2. Microbiological guidelines and legal criteriabr 3. FMFP-UGent microbiological guidelines for interpretation of test resultsbr br strongCATEGORY 1 Milk, dairy and egg products strongbr 1. Some definitionsbr 2. Some reflectionsbr 3. Microbiological guidelinesppstrongCATEGORY 2 Meat and meat products strongbr 1. Some definitionsbr 2. Some reflectionsbr 3. Microbiological guidelinesbr br strongCATEGORY 3 Molluscs, crustaceans, fish and fishery productsstrongbr 1. Some definitionsbr 2. Some reflectionsbr 3. Microbiological guidelinesppstrongCATEGORY 4 Plant-based productsstrongbr 1. Some definitionsbr 2. Some reflectionsbr 3. Microbiological guidelinesppstrongCATEGORY 5 Bakery products, chocolate, confectionery, sweet spreadsstrongbr 1. Some definitionsbr 2. Some reflectionsbr 3. Microbiological guidelinesppstrongCATEGORY 6 Composite foods Ready-to-eat and non Ready-to-eatstrongbr 1. Some definitionsbr 2. Some reflectionsbr 3. Microbiological guidelinesppstrongCATEGORY 7 Shelf-stable foods strongbr 1. Some definitionsbr 2. Some reflectionsbr 3. Microbiological guidelinesbr br strongCATEGORY 8 WATER USED IN FOOD PRODUCTION FOOD PROCESSINGstrongbr 1. Some definitionsbr 2. The requirements on water supply in food productionfood processingbr 3. Microbiological guidelinesppa hrefquot;httpswww.diekeure.becmsfilesinhoudstabelmicrobiologie-new.pdfquot; targetquot;blankquot;Download here the full table of contents.ap