Heroes and anti-heroes SPES-Cahiers, nr. 5

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Over het boekThis Cahier gathers a selection of papers presented duringthe international conference European Literature andthe Ethics of Leadership Bergen, Norway, May 2008.The authors share the idea that narratives offer their readersan alternative fictional world. In doing this they holdup a mirror that confronts the reader with otherness thatquestions his self-evident norms and values but also hisdaily practices. Both heroes and antiheroes contribute tothis process of reflection. The confrontation with literarytexts stimulates the intellectual, the emotional andthe social consciousness. The firm belief that divergentcultural systems i.e. business ethics and literature canenrich each other is at the core of this project.Uit de inhoudTable of contentsOver de auteursRita Ghesquire is emeritus professor of comparative literatureat the Catholic University of Leuven KULeuven,Belgium. Her research and publications fall within thescope of the history of European literature, juvenile fictionand spirituality.Knut J. Ims is professor in business ethics at the NorwegianSchool of Economics and Business Administration.His research and publications cover a wide field fromdeep ecology, fair trade, ethical reflection through literature,to the metaphysics of management.