Confidentiality and victim-offender mediation Reeks Intervict

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Over het boekVictim-offender mediation is increasingly used aroundthe world as a way of dealing with crime. The growingattention for victim-offender mediation and the benefitsit has to offer instigated the call for principles and rulesgoverning the practice of penal mediation. This hasled to the development of international protocols thatpromote and facilitate the institutionalisation and use ofvictim-offender mediation. One of the key elements ofthese protocols is the principle of confidentiality, whichrequires the secrecy of everything that is said and doneduring a mediation session. This broad interpretation ofthis principle may, however, cause problems in practice,especially since penal mediation can take place withinthe context of criminal and civil law.This book reports on a research project which studiedthe appropriate level of confidentiality that shouldapply to mediation-delivered information, regarding theout-of-court setting and the judicial context. Variousexceptions to the high level of confidentiality thatshould apply to the issues discussed in mediation aredeveloped. Additionally, it is explained how the thusadvocated scope of the principle of confidentialityshould be implemented in practice.Uit de inhoudTable of contentsOver de auteursRenske A.M. van Schijndel studied criminal and civillaw at Tilburg University and graduated in 2004. In2004, she started working for her Ph D at the Tilburgcriminal law department. In 2005, she transferred to thenewly established International Victimology InstituteTilburg INTERVICT, where she completed her Ph D.This book is the result of her doctoral research.