Annulment and enforcement of arbitral awards from a comparative law perspective

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pThis book on ildquo;enforcement and annulment of arbitral awards from a comparative law perspectiverdquo;i provides a bpractical reference guide for international arbitration practitionersb confronted with such proceedings in Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, England and The nbsp;br Five arbitration experts, including representatives of private practice, the judicial system and academia, have accepted to share their insight on how their legal systems deal with the bchallengesb that may arise bin enforcement and annulment proceedingsb. These reports provide both a practical and a critical analysis of the state of affairs in each of the selected jurisdictions.ppFor comparative purposes, every report follows a similar structure, covering the relevant issues in enforcement and annulmentproceedingspulbr liI A general overview of the enforcement and annulment proceedings; libr liII The interaction between annulment and enforcement of awards; libr liIII The concept of ldquo;public policyrdquo; in enforcement and annulment proceedings; and libr liIV The grounds relating to the power of the arbitral tribunal.libr ulbr pA world brenowned arbitratorb has bprovidedb for bthe concluding remarksb to the impressive exchange of ideas presented by the authors on the various chapters, while, at the same time, presenting to the reader the main features of the arbitration framework in his own jurisdiction with regard to the issues listed br p