Measuring organised crime in Europe IRCP-reeks

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Recent years have been characterised by growing awareness among European member states about serious shortcomings to the way organised crime is measured and assessed. Currently, organised crime reports primarily generate descriptive analyses of a past situation based on law enforcement data and do not always provide the necessary information for proactive and preventive policy strategies. Therefore an EU Action Plan has been issued to develop a more future oriented and risk based methodology for the measurement of organised crime and to convert the traditional organised crime situation reports into strategic reports for planning purposes.This book is the outcome of two studies undertaken by a team composed of Belgian, Italian and Swedish researchers for the European Commission. It presents an overview of current practices in the measurement of organised crime in Europe and includes a discussion about the concept and the assessment of the impact of the phenomenon. Further the feasibility of the implementation of the existing EU Action Plan was studied and evaluated.As a result of applied research Measuring Organised Crime in Europe provides an in depth and comparative analysis of current practice in drafting organised crime reports across and by the EU and offers new ideas to improve their quality.Uit de inhoudIntroductory Part-The EU Crime Prevention Policy-Project Hippokrates-Results of the Pilot StudyThe EU Action Plan. Where do we goe from here-Country reports Denmark Finland Ireland Greece France Portugal Spain The Netherlands Germany Luxemburg Austria The United Kingdom General findingsConclusions and recommendations