European Company Law, 2nd edition

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Inhoud Over the last decade, the time period that is also covered by the two editions of this book, European company law has been re-written completely. Virtually no EU measure remained unchanged and most of them have undergone fundamental reform. This is astonishing since almost half of these measures only came into existence after the turn of the millennium.In the last five years modern European company law has been characterized by a strong foundation of accounting law, i.e. the basic information scheme in international models IFRS, the practicability and reality of cross-border mobility in its different types, the considerable success at last of European company types, namely in the form of the European Company which has been adopted by many blue chip companies, and finally by governance, governance and governance. The latter also experiencing a remarkable renaissance of shareholders rights, namely voting right schemes. In times of crisis this is the equipment with which the challenges have to be met. This book discusses the ECEU law first including all instruments through which it is transposed into the national law systems. However, where no ECEU law exists, a comparative law discussion and policy aspects, namely law and economics, fill the gaps. The whole organism of limited liability company law is thus covered.In addition to organization, accounting, finance and the closely related capital market law European Company Law covers the cornerstones of ECEU corporate tax and insolvency law. This broad scientific perspective of the European in company law remains unique and is of greatest value for top-level practice and highly-ranked policy discussions. About this editionWith expert works like this one by professor Grundmann, richly referenced and fairly open to auxiliary sciences such as the economic analysis of law, the doctrine should be able to rationalise and effectively guide the discussion. From within France we should wish - and act so that this scientific systematisation effort does not become the monopoly of our colleagues from across the Rhine; colleagues to whom we are grateful for their careful pioneering.Louis DAvout in RTDeur 2012 lxxAbout the first editionBoth the general reader ... and those interested more specifically in company law and corporate finance will benefit from this book. It makes valuable reading for academics, practitioners and regulatorspolicy makers, and is very stimulating and welcome.Thomas Papadopoulos in Common Market Law Review 2009 1019.