Spiritual Humanism and Economic Wisdom

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Over het boekSpiritual Humanism and Economic Wisdom collectsessays in honor of the 70th anniversary of K.U.Leuvenprofessor Luk Bouckaert, co-founder of the EuropeanSPES forum, which aims to make spirituality accessibleas a public good to as many people as possible. Itsmission is expressed in the key word of SPES, being onthe one hand an acronym for Spirituality in Economicsand Society and, on the other hand, the Latin word forhope, the virtue that sustains our belief in a betterfuture.In the spirit of the European SPES forum, this volumecovers issues of contemporary economics using ahumanist perspective and discusses interrelatedproblems of business, ethics and society from spirituallybased viewpoints. The authors argue for practicingeconomic wisdom in economic and social life.Uit de inhoudContentsPrefaceOver de auteursHendrik Opdebeeckis professor of Philosophy andEconomics at the University of Antwerp, where he isaffiliated with the Centre of Ethics. His research interestis focused on the cultural-philosophical backgroundsand effects of globalization with special attention to therole of spirituality and technology.Laszlo Zsolnai is professor and director of the BusinessEthics Center at the Corvinus University of Budapest.He is chairman of the Business Ethics Faculty Group ofCEMS Community of European Management Schools -The Global Alliance in Management Education.