Who Rules the Coast

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Over het boekThis book represents the results of a Flemish research carried out inthe framework of the European Interreg IIIB North-West Europe ProjectCOREPOINT Coastal Research and Policy Integration. It consists of athorough scientific analysis of two policy processes in the Belgian marine andcoastal environment the designation of the marine protected areas and thedrawing up of provincial spatial implementation plans for beaches and seadikes. The book analyses the legal framework and the concrete applicationof this for both cases.Central to the book is the question in which way these policy processes workedout and in particular, what role participation played in this. In order to answerthis question, the researchers analysed documents and the related scientificliterature. Additionally they conducted a series of in-depth interviews withrepresentatives of different spheres of society state politicians and publicservants, civil society and market. In the description of the policy processesattention is given to the roles of various agents and coalitions networks,the distribution of power, the current rules as well as the policy discoursesused. This book provides inspiration for scientists,those involved in making policy as well as all of those who make their livingfrom the sea or use it during their leisure time.Uit de inhoudTable of contents