European criminal justice and policy GofS - Governance of Security Research Paper Series, Vol. 7

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Over het boekAfter no less than five entirely double blind peer reviewed volumesin the GofS Research Paper Series have been released in 2009, 2010and 2011 the editorial board is proud to issue again a set of twomore volumes comprising original and new research papers thathave been proofed by international peers.Volume 6 focuses on Social conflicts, citizens and policing. Its tableof contents is provided below the brief description of the paperscomprised in the current book, which constitutes Volume 7, dealingwith European criminal justice and policy. Reviewing the policybackground with respect to different phases in the criminal justicechain, the contributions range from looking into the extension ofcriminalization in the sphere of trafficking in human beings andlabour exploitation to the operability of cross-border execution ofsentences involving deprivation of liberty.Most contributions lookinto the need to develop a conceptual framework to support futurepolicy making, pointing to the lack thereof with respect to liability oflegal persons, ne bis in idem as an EU principle, cross-border effectof disqualifications and cooperation with private security actors.One contribution looks into the public expenditure in differentphases of the criminal justice chain, based on a case study on thepublic expenditure of Belgian drug policy. Finally, one contributionanalyses the specific European and Chinese interrogation rules froma historical and comparative perspective to provide a solid contextfor the current situation and support future legal reforms.Uit de inhoudInhoudsopgaveMore about Gofs - Governance of Security Research Paper Series