Brussels, Belgium and the knowledge economy

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Over het boekThis particular book deals with Brussels and its place in the emerging knowledge economy from exactly that perspective. The authors have analyzed how people feel and think about this city, and from such a subjective material have constructed a more or less objective picture.Their work is the outcome of two studies commissioned by the government of Brussels Capital-Region. The first one was carried out by Irina Zinovieva and dealt with the working life of the citys highly qualified professionals. The latter combined the efforts of both Irina Zinovieva and Roland Pepermans. The Capital-Region government has established a tradition to offer grants for research on socially important topics not only to Belgians but also to foreigners. In this way it encourages independent points of view on the capitals problems that are free of political correctness, self-censorship and, at least the usual biases an insider would have. The benefits of such an approach were instantly understood and highly appreciated by both authors many interviewees, especially those living in Belgium. Remarkably, in the questions of an interviewing foreigner they saw their own regional governments genuine interest in their own opinion, and felt flattered and delighted.The interviews for this study have been taken in the English language, which helped put aside the complexities of all local political, social, and linguistic identifications. Senior business managers, distinguished academics, and high-ranking government officials gave their frank opinions in good faith, understanding how helpful an open discussion would be for their society.The authors exposition is intended to be something like a series of mirrors, in which Brussels can be seen, and see itself, from a variety of perspectives. At the same time the authors wanted to remain well grounded, and to this end they give the floor to a large number of different people, and cite them extensively.Uit de inhoudTable of contentsOver de auteursIrina Zinovieva is associate professor of differential psychology, organizationalbehavior, and human resources management at Sofia University St. KlimentOhridsky, and senior researcher at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel VUB Free University of Brussels. She has worked in a number of Europeanuniversities and research centers such as Oxford University, The NetherlandsInstitute for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences and HumanitiesNIAS, Tilburg University, and The University of Paris V Ren Descartes. Prof.Zinovieva was principal investigator and researcher in many internationalprojects involving seventeen European countries, four Asian countries, and the USA. She hasdone research and consultancy work for the European Commission, the Council of Europe, theBrussels Regional Government, Unisys Corporation, Saville Holdsworth Ltd etc. She authoredthree books and more than 50 scientific articles and book chapters.Roland Pepermans is full profesoor and dean of the faculty of psychology and educational sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel VUB - Free University of Brussels. He is also responsible for the courses in work and organizational psychology and human resources management at that university. He did research at academic institutions in the United Kingdom and Germany. He joined the university again some years ago, after having worked for 8 years in international private organizations bank and petrochemical companies. Prof. Pepermans, besides his interests in economic psychology, has advised to private, public and non-profit organizations about employee surveys, quality management, stress management, absenteeism, high potential policies, and is nowadays actively involved in research projects about motivation, rewards, talent management and entrepreneurship. He has authored and co-authored a wide variety of international research articles and four books.