Responsible Professionalism. A Primer

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Thinking about responsible behaviour in the professional and business world but also as a citizen in its current form may only be fashionable recently, it is of all times. And it apparently belongs to everyone everyone thinks they can form an opinion about everything and also thinks that their opinion is well-founded. We risk falling into ethical relativism everything is possible, because ultimately all opinions seem equally correctincorrect. Facts-free opinions, alternative facts and fake news then suddenly become acceptable opinions.This book offers business leaders and employees, but also teachers and students the necessary insights, a framework and a step-by-step plan to efficiently and thoughtfully tackle ethical dilemmas in the daily civilian, professional and business world by a full-fledged reflection analytical, methodical, clearly argued. This as an impetus to a more conscious and lived ethical attitude, integrity and spirituality and to a structural embedding of responsible action in the strategy and policy of the organization.This book is aimed at all readers who are interested in the phenomenon of acting responsibly including corporate responsibility and are looking for a not too extensive, pleasant to read but still thorough introduction to the theme.strongHerman Siebensstrong, PhD in Educational Science, has published several books on professional and business ethics and on school management. In the past decades he has been a guest speaker at many colleges, universities and European scientific conferences. In addition, as director and general-director of schools, and as chairman and board member in various social-profit organizations and networks, he gained extensive experience in leading and managing organizations.ISBN 9789463711258